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Sa., 16.11.: Presentation & discussion: Chinese Anarchism
16. November 2024 – 17:00 - 19:00

Chinese Anarchism
Presentation and discussion
Saturday, 16.11. 17:00
malobeo, Kamenzer Str. 38, 01099 Dresden
Over the past two decades, the circulation of radicals has increased in East Asia. Several cities are becoming platforms for exchanges in this trend. Those who seek to overcome the present-day impasse in East Asia are finding each other, becoming friends and sharing information, analysis, texts, techniques and desires with each other in this impetus. Such revolutionary networks, while seemingly new, also existed in this region from the end of nineteenth century through the early 20th century. And so-called anarchists played an indispensable role in their formation.
On this occasion, one Chinese anarchist will present a brief history of these historical and contemporary self-organization networks. The question is—How do we reach each other to form cross-border solidarities from below in a world that increasingly fractures our connection and reduces our empathies? To answer this question, we would like you to share your experience and practice. Let us talk together.
The speaker will also bring two recent publications related to this topic.
“Black Limestone” is a semi-fictional zine that revisits the dust-covered fragments of early 20th-century East and Southeast Asian anarchist histories. The author traces the forgotten efforts of Asian anarchists in times of deep political rupture by piecing together connected struggles in multiple languages.
“Revolutionary Tofu”, through the clue of soy, attempts to resurface the historical threads of Chinese anarchy in the early 20th century and the transnational flow in the making of it, weaves between France and China, from Manchukuo to São Paulo. Revolutionaries from different regions encountered one another in various historical amoments, quietly opening up an alternative path that history might have taken.
#anarchism @asian #China #ChineseAnarchism #Dresden