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28.09. – Zinestand am Safe Abortion Day | @Goldener Reiter
28. September 2021 – 16:00 - 19:00

Wo: Goldener Reiter, Neustädter Markt
Infostände von: Kritische Mediziner:innen Dresden, Malobeo, Medea e.V., Sowieso e.V., e*vibes
Wir fordern, dass die Behandlung in die medizinische Ausbildung integriert wird.
Wir fordern eine vollständige Legalisierung durch Streichung des § 218 aus dem Strafgesetzbuch.
Let’s go to the … Safe Abortion Day!
What: Information booths 16:00 – 19:00 Rally 17:00 -19:00
Where: Goldener Reiter, Neustädter Markt
Organizers: pro familia Saxony and Pro Choice Saxony
Infostands by: Kritische Mediziner:innen Dresden, Malobeo, Medea e.V., Sowieso e.V., e*vibes
September 28 is Safe Abortion Day, the international day of action for safe, decriminalized, free access to abortion. This year, the nationwide theme for this day is „150 Years of Resistance to Section 218.“ In 2021, this German criminal law paragraph actually celebrates its 150th anniversary. On May 15, 1871, the provisions on abortion were adopted in the first Imperial Penal Code. There it still stands today next to murder and manslaughter! We think: 150 years are 150 years too much – there must finally be an end to criminalization! It is high time to change something at the precarious situation for unintentionally pregnant women: Abortion must be regulated anew!
Therefore, come with us on 28.09.2021 on the street and join our rally! Inform yourself through speeches, at information booths and in conversation about facts, rights, hurdles and reasons for a safe access to abortion. Help our demands get more publicity: We demand the right to free, safe abortions close to home without compulsory counseling. We demand that abortions be recognized as primary care and be covered by health insurance. We demand that treatment be integrated into medical training.We demand complete legalization by deleting § 218 from the penal code.