malobeo, Kamenzerstr. 38, 01099 Dresden [English below] Leider sind wir nicht alle – es fehlen die Gefangenen! Diesmal schreiben wir Briefe an Maja, Nikita und andere Gefangene. Maja sitzt immer noch in Dresden in Haft. Die deutsche Regierung zuckt sich bisher überhaupt nicht, was die Auslieferung angeht. Gerade in diesen […]
3 Beiträge
Become a personal supporter of a Belarusian anarchist prisoner! In Belarus, over 30 anarchists and anti-fascists are imprisoned for their beliefs and participation in the 2020 protests. Their support comes at a high cost to their families, especially since some activists have received 10+ years in prison. Unfortunately, the level […]
We want to invite you for a meeting with people from the No Borders Team, an anarchist collective from Poland, working on the polish-belarusian border. (Deutsche Version Unten) Thursday, 1. December 2022 malobeo, Kamenzer Str. 38, 01099 Dresden 6pm – Food for All 7pm – movie, presentation and discussion – […]